Declaring that our choice of words defines us more than anything else, Tom Read Wilson takes a light-hearted look at the etymology of some his favourites. Spanning topics such as clothing, theatre, food and sex he delves into the origin of well-known words and phrases and presents his own suggestions for collective nouns. Off-mint the Tip of My Tongue, Humour & SportDeclaring that our choice of words defines us more than anything else, Tom Read Wilson takes a light-hearted look at the etymology of some his favourites. Spanning topics such as clothing, theatre, food and sex he delves into the origin of well-known words and phrases and presents his own suggestions for collective nouns. <i>Off-mint</i>Hardback00£12.99productId:166059bic_code:CBG, CBX, WHCBG, CBX, WH£12.99Tom Read WilsonGeneral204x138mmAurumHardbackGrammarHumour