Scottish born but residing for many years in London, a neighbour and friend of Lord Leighton and GF Watts, Colin Hunter was a successful marine painter in the 1880s and 1890s. This retrospective reproduces much of his known work, often depicting local fishermen and coastal scenes with small boats, as well as providing a biography and information about his Kensington home and studio. Slightly off-mint Hunter of the Holland Park Circle & Design/Clearance/Categories/View All Clearance TitlesScottish born but residing for many years in London, a neighbour and friend of Lord Leighton and GF Watts, Colin Hunter was a successful marine painter in the 1880s and 1890s. This retrospective reproduces much of his known work, often depicting local fishermen and coastal scenes with small boats, as well as providing a biography and information about his Kensington home and studio. <i>Slightly off-mint</i>Hardback00£30.00productId:165570bic_code:ACV, AFC, AG, BGACV, AFC, AG, BG£30.00Godfrey BellGeneral277x226mmUnicornHardbackPainting & PaintingsArt SubjectsGeneral1800 to 1900